Scientific test services

Our scientific test services serve as the basis for BMAT’s scientific exam preparation. They are accessible in both offline and digital versions and our clients can customize the number of questions according to their requirements.

Online tutoring services

Instructors at Innovalance are extremely well-versed and knowledgeable in the curriculum.  The availability of our customers is taken into consideration while scheduling our online tutors’ sessions which makes them accessible and

Solution banks

Our solution banks offer a thorough explanation for all of the inquiries. The question sets can be submitted to us by our clients based on their needs, which are answered and sent

Question repository

The question banks contain both popular topics and questions from the preceding year. The question banks are written in comprehensible language. According to their needs, our clients can customize our

Curriculum development

Our experts have significant experience crafting a BMAT training course. The program is specifically designed by our experts to encompass all of the crucial topics. This curated curriculum is used by the

Textbook Solutions

Upgraded textbook answers with a comprehensive approach are provided by an expert team at Innovalance. Proper concepts, practice questions, chapter outlines, and other materials are included in our guide.

Practice tests

Innovalance integrates experience from past tests and trends in its practise set tests. Preparation test collections for English, mathematics, literature, and science are offered by our competent team. Our practice exam sets

Video tutorials

All ACT lessons and topics are integrated by our experienced team into accessible video solutions. With us, clients get a comprehensive set of multimedia options for every session. It is available

Online tutoring

For the ACT exam, Innovalance provides complete learning along with online tutoring resources. Here, we offer e-learning courses that are structured effectively. Our tutoring sessions are also tailored to each student’s aptitude

Group Tutorials

Group tutorials allow learners from different institutes to learn together, promoting communication skills, bonding, and a fun learning experience. The sessions include interactive quizzes and debates, making the learning process